A eureka moment ... on local curriculum caused by Covid-19
A eureka moment ... on local curriculum caused by covid-19 According to Wikipedia, 'Eureka!' is attributed to the ancient Greek scholar Archimedes. He reportedly proclaimed "Eureka! Eureka!" after he had stepped into a bath and noticed that the water level rose, after that he suddenly understood that the volume of water displaced must be equal to the amount of the part of his body he had submerged. After which he ran down the road naked because he was so excited and wanted to share his idea. Okay perhaps it's not that exciting but I thought about this while mowing lawns At the beginning of the year, the staff worked on developing aspects of our local curriculum. The last time we did any extensive work on this was 2009-2010. At that time we decided that our mission statement: 'Learning and growing together' was the right direction for us to take and for that time, I think it was. 'Learning and growing together' epitomises: collegiality, distribute...