PPE gear in school and other kindnesses
Personal protective equipment (PPE) gear in school and other kindnesses
Covid-19 has posed many problems that need solutions. Some of the solutions that have been worked out will become permanent practices as we start to come back to normality. The government, as part of its messaging, has reminded us of the need to be kind. Acting kindly is something we can all do even if we don't feel like it. It would be good if we continue acting kindly as a more permanent feature.
Mickael, Richard and Read Brothers
I want to make mention of Richard Kruger and Mickael Dernoncourt. Mickael and Richard, in their own time, have made PPE gear for medical services and chemists as a gesture of kindness. Read Brothers supplied the polyethylene. Mickael did the 3D printing, and Richard cut the visors. I approached Richard if he would be able to do the same for my staff. There was no hesitation. I (metaphorically and indirectly) had to twist Mickael's arm to get him to recover the costs. The school is now fully equipped for a return to Level three or four.
The Ministry of Education has not supported the idea of schools providing PPE gear. There are probably several reasons for this, e.g. the prohibitive cost of placing this in schools, the fear that could be engendered in children and the sheer logistics of providing it. (Couriers at present are running four times the volume that they do at Christmas.) As a school, we can appreciate these factors, but we are going to make sure our staff are safe.
In the future, we will continue to use this equipment in the sickbay where administration staff often have to deal with unwell children.
CAPS Hauraki and private donors
We have noticed other kindnesses too. A recent decision by CAPS Hauraki saw donations made to schools to support struggling families and students. We have distributed some of this money already but are looking to see what other needs might emerge over the next few weeks as some families struggle with employment.
We had one parent come in and give us a donation of $300. She was deeply aware of the needs of others and wanted to help. This sort of generosity and spontaneity is to be applauded. Such gifts will be used to help when we see the need.
We found this chalked message on our return to school. I believe it is for the Richard's and Mickael's of this world, and for all the anonymous people who quietly go about making a difference.
Kindness makes the world go around. Wonderful update. Thank you!