Kahui ako consultation

Climb, ascend, persevere

Recognise these stairs? The picture depicts aspects of our 'Community of Learning' | Kahui ako.

At present, our Kahui ako, which consists of all Thames schools, is rethinking its future direction. We are inviting all of our community to have a say. For your information, our Kahui ako has been named (in consultation with kaumatua Wati Ngamane): Kaueranga. Kaueranga is a name which is inclusive of all the schools in our geographic area.

This consultation is being carried out in conjunction with a consultant. If you wish to take part and have a say we invite you to follow the link:

We need you to respond as soon as possible if you intend to. The survey will take about twenty minutes. It will help inform us.

This survey will close on June 14th so that data can be collated before a meeting scheduled for June 16th.
