More photos from lockdown

Isla as an Egyptian.

More photos from lockdown

Here is the Morgan-Bevan's celebration of ANZAC Day during the lockdown. Indeed a unique experience with man people standing by their letterboxes because they couldn't go to the services.

Oscar catching eels. Pretty slimy, eh Oscar. I think that you can only hold eels with two hands.

Good fishing Zuri but did you cook them? Zuri caught these from a kayak.

This was staff 'Happy Hour' on a Friday after school. Mr Howes organised the team to get together when school was over for a catch up on Zoom. We had to reset the invitations because we all talked too much. Whenever we get together the staff say it is me who talks too much. Can you believe that! I think it's probably Mr Donaldson or Mrs Kruger.

This is Mrs Bain sitting in front of her computer all alone waiting for her students to contact her. It was unfortunate that she had no company on this day. This was terribly sad but I think Mrs Bain is very happy to be back at level one with her class.

Max is carefully washing hands for 20 seconds which is a long time. I don't know whether he was singing Happy Birthday. If you see Max you need to ask him.

I think this is a Donaldson hut. Look out for Macy, Jep and Lily. What is Lily doing with the pole? Do you see Macy hiding in the back?

This is Lily and Sean. The first two students back when we went to Level three. Mrs Saunders is taking the photo. These students had a great time on their bikes with Mrs Saunders.

Jorawer and Nihal enjoying time with Dad riding their bikes. Everywhere you go, bikes and more bikes.

This was a special lesson with Mr Howes. The children were all encouraged to bring their pets. I am told that Mrs Saunders took a pet to class too. Sadly, I wasn't invited but if I had been I would have brought Nigel.

This is Nigel stalking me at breakfast time. He is very friendly, twice a day. If I don't pay him any attention he will jump on my shoulders. He will jump about two metres so you can never ignore him.

This is Isla and the rest of the family with covid-19 gloves. The bugs would have a hard time in this home. Now if Isla was dressed up as an Egyptian wearing a mask, those covid-19 bugs wouldn't know which country they were in.

A level three cooking lesson with Mrs Saunders and it was good. I know, I got to taste it. (The problem with all this good cooking at school, is that I like it too much!) During lockdown lots of people, I know did far too much baking. I don't know how they did because it was hard to buy yeast and flour. This group, by the way, was also the first group that went on to our playgrounds after lockdown and that was hugely exciting.

This is the Grays at home learning at the table.

Wow, the Gray's have a long memory.

This wine, Mrs Bain is communion wine. This picture is that of an online religious service. Religious communities throughout New Zealand were unable to meet together.

This is Mr Steele teaching from school at Level three. It's much easier to teach at school. There was a good internet connection, and no little kids running around. Mr Steele had a sophisticated teaching platform design.

Sanitiser is everywhere you go. Brendon, our caretaker, cleverly used guttering clips to place the sanitiser outside each classroom.

I hope this is one of the last level two lockdown photos that we ever had taken. Everyone is lining up to wait their turn to go into Pak n Sav, making sure that they are keeping a reasonable distance away from one another.

This, as you can tell, is a level one photo after lockdown. Yareth and I are not social distancing. Yareth has brought in some doughnuts to the staff on International doughnut day. (May there be many more of those!). She also brought me one of her chicken pies, and by the way, I ate the doughnut in the middle, and it was delicious.

If you want to experience the delights of Yareth's doughnuts. You need to go to the Thames bakery and ask for a Mr Brock special. (Yareth may not know what you are talking about, but it seems like the right name for one of her doughnuts!)
