Garden News Term 4
Hello Everyone, We are looking forward to a busy and fun term in the garden. Our plants are growing really well in the warm weather and the rain here and there has definitely helped. Our potatoes have all sprouted well, we have some beautiful looking cabbages on the way and the children are already enjoying the Broad beans straight from the plants. The nasturtiums are definitely making the most of it out there! On Thursday Ali and Rod from Coromandel Pure Honey in Pauanui ( ) will be here at school talking to rooms 6-9 about bees. We are hoping to establish a beehive at school soon so this will be a great learning opportunity for the children. This term we are also working on setting up our Electric Garden. A group of students from room 6 are learning all about how to use it and set it up in the correct location. They will then share their knowledge with others so that we can all use it and look after it. The device will provide us with readings ab...