What’s happening in term four of 2020?
What’s happening in term four of 2020?
There is no
doubt that the year 2020 will stay seared in our memories for the rest of our
Before we get
too far into it, I think it’s worth reflecting a little on term three. Some of
the things mentioned may or may not have escaped your attention.
Did you know that …
· Our two senior classes managed to go on camp to
Waitawheta last term. The children had a great time, the weather held and we
managed to run it despite Covid-19.
· Our senior E-Pro eight team came second in our
area. Last year the same team won.This was an outstanding effort.
· Lilly Donaldson came second in her category of
the Thames speech competition. Well done to Lilly.
· Last term, we had our second round of reports
delivered to parents and whanau, and we managed to hold parent-teacher
conferences. This was no mean feat given the year we have had.
· We now have a new garden area outside the
library thanks to Brendon, Tracey and Kane.
· We received funding from the Harcourts Foundation
to assist in the build-up of our stock of Junior readers.
· We also received funding from the Ministry of
Education to assist students who have been impacted by Covid 19 and that we
have appointed Mrs Bayer in term four to specifically work with small groups of
children to accelerate their learning based on identified needs.
· Project Energise is changing the model that they
have used over the last fifteen or so years and shift to a more advisory
capacity. This means that we will not have the Energisers working in the
schools anymore. This is not very reassuring; schools get enough advice from
‘experts’ what we need is ringawera.
· Moanataiari School was awarded the ‘School
Spirit’ award at the Gymfest and that Leoné and Lilly then represented Thames
over in Hamilton. We had 19 gymnasts practice in their lunch breaks and
competed in the interschool gymnastic competition. We had many place getters in
addition to Leoné and Lilly.
· Ross Ashby from TCDC met with our senior
students to brainstorm the initiative ‘Creating the Vibe’.
Last term we
also ran Firewise, Res-kids and Maori Language week. The juniors would like to
say thank you for helping with fundraising for the zoo trip, which was very
successful. There were also some great Bee awareness murals done. You can see
Room four’s bee in the foyer of the office.
What is planned in term four – Overview
In the big
picture, we have several important things happening that are expected to happen,
but the time frames are a bit sketchy. This coming term, we are launching a new
website to assist with our communication with parents. You are going to love
it. The calendar is going to be very useful in terms of keeping you informed,
and the graphics will be exceptional.
Reasonably early
on in this term, we are going to complete the mural at the front entrance with
fish that the children have painted under the artistic eye of Rebecca Coggins.
During these
past holidays, we received a grant to set up a radio station. The radio station
will provide our children with another exciting opportunity to learn. You will
find out more about this as we work through the process of setting this up. We
may get this set up in term four but is more likely to launch in term one of
next year. There will be quite a bit of organisation involved in getting this
up and running.
Room seven is
getting a specially designed Reskids programme being run by Mr Mike Wilkes for
about six weeks.
At the very end
of the year, the school is going to undergo some much-needed maintenance which
will improve our: drainage, roofing, senior classroom spaces and the quadrangle
area. The makeover should take place over the summer break.
Here is what we think will happen …
But please keep
reading the newsletter and checking in on our new website when we launch it. Keep
an eye on Facebook and also watch out for bits and pieces occurring on our new school
Instagram account. Schools are dynamic places, and we still have Covid hanging
around. Dates can change, and events are sometimes postponed or cancelled.
We have no
current dates set but this term we are launching the ‘Electric Garden’ with Mrs
Nankivell. We will be able to work out soil moisture and humidity, which will
tell us the best time to plant things. Mr Howes will be taking Room eight to
look at streams. This project was delayed from the last term.
Week one, Term four
On Wednesday the
fourteenth day of October, there will be an information evening for parents of
Year eight students who will be attending Thames High school. The school has
received no information for parents who may have opted to send their children
to Hauraki Plains High school.
On Thursday, the
fifteenth day of October, we are taking part along with many other schools in
the New Zealand shakeout exercise. This will take place at school at 9.30 am.
If the weather is fine, it will also include a tsunami practice. This means
that students do need to have suitable footwear for walking.
On Friday the sixteenth
day of October New Zealand cricket will be at school doing sessions with the
If you haven’t already voted, please vote
in the election on the 17th. We are so privileged to live in a democracy that
has this freedom. Many countries don’t have these rights, and our votes do make
a difference in the way things work or don’t work.
Week two, Term four
On the
twenty-second day of October, Touch rugby gets underway at 4.00 pm after school
at Rhodes Park. We have created three teams for this.
The school is being visited on the same day by Coropure honey.
On Friday the 23rd,
Room eight is being visited by Thames Coast Kiwi Care who will be working with
the students for two to three sessions. It is ‘Save Kiwi Month’.
On Friday the 23rd
at 1.30 pm we are holding a whakatau to welcome all new families and students.
This is in place of our regular assembly. Please feel free to come along and
join in. There will be light snacks to conclude the process. Parents who attend
may take their children home after kai as long as the teachers are informed.
Week three, Term four
Monday the 26th
is Labour Day. Tuesday the 27th, is a teacher only day. This day is
being put aside to work on literacy progressions, including oral language. We
need to work on the literacy progressions ahead of 2021, and there is no time
to do this later in the year. On Wednesday the twenty-eighth day of October,
there is a soccer and netball tournament at Rhodes Park. This tournament
replaces some of the opportunities missed earlier in the year. We are entering
two football and netball teams.
On the 29th
(Thursday) Doug Ashby is coming to speak with the children in Room two, four
and five about lizards.
Week four, Term four
On Monday the second
day of November, we are holding the first of two hui for whānau. The first hui
will take place shortly after three o’clock so that we can make the meeting
time accessible for parents with young families. The second hui will take place
on Tuesday on the third day of November at 5.30 pm. We want to establish a
regular meeting for whānau that we have had previously, but not recently. Several
issues would be worth discussing that will look over the next one or two years.
If there is anything whānau particularly want to be raised, please come and
talk to me, ring me or email me at principal@moana.school.nz
The meetings will take place in Room one.
On Wednesday,
the fourth day of November, we are holding Moanataiari School athletics for
years four to eight. The saving day for our athletics is Thursday the 5th.
There is a standing invitation for Tapu to take part. Event winners and place
getters then go on to our Thames cluster event which we are hosting. This year
we will be using our digital sign to highlight place getters. We are unable to predict when a student’s
event will take place. We want you
to be here if you can be, but we can’t give you exact timing.
On Friday, the sixth
day of November, we have the delayed Auckland zoo trip taking place. Hopefully,
Auckland doesn’t go into another lockdown. This trip is for Room four, five and
two. On the same day, the Thames principals are being visited by the New
Zealand Principal Federation president Perry Rush.
Week five, Term four
On Tuesday the tenth
day of November, we host the Thames Cluster for athletics, i.e. all the schools
from Tapu through to Puriri. Our saving day is the eleventh.
On Thursday, the
12th we have a group of senior students attending National Young
Leaders Day in Auckland. This is a very worthwhile event and is rescheduled due
to Covid. On Friday, the 13th we are holding Junior Athletics.
Week six, Term four
This week sees
the start of new entrants in our mid-term cohort entry.
On Wednesday,
the 18th, we have the best of all our athletes attending Paeroa to represent
our Thames schools for the Thames Valley. Our Year seven and eight
immunisations are happening on the same day.
On Thursday, the
19th we have a sizeable group of students who have been working with
Mrs Trenwith on the inaugural Thames Valley drama festival. Mrs Trenwith will
be working hard to get these students prepared. Please support your child at
home as much as you can if they are in this group. The other schools involved
are Pūriri and Pārāwai. There will be a workshop with Thames Drama and an
evening show to be held at the Civic center. Times will be confirmed closer to
the event.
Week seven, Term four
On Thursday, the
25th our Year five students are taking part in the international
PIRLS reading study. The school does not get any feedback on this. We take part
because it is crucial for us as a country to know how well students are doing
in reading.
Week eight, Term four
On the very
first day of December, we have some of our older girls involved in a cricket
On Thursday, the
third day of December, our students are involved in road patrol training for
2021. We encourage all our students to take responsibility. This is a
constructive way in which our senior students support the safety of our
children after school.
Week nine, Term four
This week is
hectic. On Tuesday the eighth day of December, we are holding the Year 8
leaver’s dinner.
On Wednesday,
the ninth day of December, we have our ‘Helpers morning tea’ where we
acknowledge all the people in our school community who have helped in small or
large ways. The food is delicious!
On Friday, the eleventh
day of December we have our final assembly at 1.30 pm. The Thames Santa parade
follows this. Please join us in the Santa parade.
Week ten, Term four
The final sprint
before Christmas comes to an end on Thursday the seventeenth day of December.
In this last week, we complete any classroom shifts, finish tidying up the
school and attend to all those last-minute jobs.
On the very last
day, we have a mufti day run by the PTA. Money raised from this will go into
purchasing sports equipment, probably balls which always get well used. The PTA
are also selling juicies this term and the money from those is going to
purchase some more outside tables for parents and families to sit on in our
playground areas.
As you can see,
this term is packed. We look forward to working with everyone to make it a
great success!
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