Returning to Alert Level two what we know so far ...

Returning to Alert Level two what we know so far ...

Today the Prime Minister announced some broad principles about what will happen at Level two and how this will look in schools. Coming out to Level two is not the same as going into Level two because we now have more information and understanding of the virus. First, and perhaps most importantly this is a call for everyone to return to school. As a school, we know there may be some exceptions but we fully endorse the Prime Minister's advice. The main exception will be that staff and students who are showing any symptoms of sickness will not be allowed on site.

When we return to school we expect, that most if not all of our teachers will be at school to take face to face classes. However, how this actually turns out is yet to be finalised. The Prime Minister in her oral address indicated that Level two for schools would commence at the beginning of a week. This would suggest possible starting dates of either the 18th or 25th of May.

The basic guidelines that we as a school will apply are in line with those for those announced for the general public:

  1. COVID-19 is still out there. Play it safe.
  2. Talk with staff to identify risks and ways to manage them.
  3. Ask everyone, with cold or flu-like symptoms to stay away from school. 
  4. Keep groups of students one metre apart, wherever possible.
  5. Keep contact-tracing records of anyone who will have close interaction (teachers, contractors or parents). 
    1. Until we return to level one we would prefer parents not to come on site unless by appointment.
    2. Any parents who come on to school grounds for a specific purpose will be required to sign in at the office.
  6. Reduce the number of shared surfaces, and regularly disinfect them. (Spare a thought for Brendon!)
  7. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. (At school we will be using sanitiser).
We are particularly glad that at Alert Level two playgrounds will be operational. 

At our school there are some specific things you may see that differ from other schools, although these may be modified after discussion with staff to explore the practicalities. e.g. Expecting children to bring their own lunch and drink bottles. Drinking fountains at school will not be turned on until further notice. It is also possible that some of our staff may wear personal protective equipment (PPE) in some situations. We will release more detail as it either comes to us from the Ministry of Education (MOE) or after staff have worked on a plan that outlines Level two safe practices for Moanataiari.

On Tuesday the 12th of May, staff will be meeting to plan what will happen when we return. Students on Tuesday can engage with educational television or work on learning previously assigned including the photo competition or the kitchen challenge.

The Prime Minister has said that if a school has a confirmed case of Covid-19, the school would close for 72 hours for contact tracing to occur and then it could potentially be closed for a further 14 days. Under the conditions outlined, it is in my opinion, as safe as we can make it. 

Note carefully
To assist us with planning and to avoid another survey please email Joanne at and inform us if your children are not returning to school under Level two. Please provide us with a reason for non-attendance because technically under Level two an absent child could be considered truant if your child does not come to school. If there is sufficient need we may extend one or two online classes to avoid the issue of truancy. If we do run these classes they may only continue for a short period of time. We will have to make decisions about this as we see what happens next. The school needs this information, preferably by the end of Monday, May the 11th.

